stress_relief_thumbAs a work from home mom, I know it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with the stresses of taking care of your family while also trying to help provide for your family. Some days you feel like you’re not doing your part or you may feel like you can’t handle all of the things on your plate. I am in no way an expert but I thought I’d share some of the ways I de-stress when times get tough.

Get outside

Go for a walk, drive around with the windows open, sit on your porch or a bench with a cup of tea, or even just sit by the window. Sunlight and fresh air are so important to our mental and physical health. I always feel better when I get out of the house. When I worked in an office full time I felt the same relief from just getting outside and getting some fresh air.


I feel so much happier when I have a clean house or work area. Having a pile of clutter can trigger stress and by tackling that one pile or mess you can feel a sense of control. This always gives me a burst of energy and I end up getting more done during the day. Extra bonus if you do this first thing in the morning so you have your entire day to be productive in a relaxing, clean, space.

Cook a delicious, healthy meal you can feel good about

When I eat badly, I feel unhappy. I’m in no way saying you shouldn’t indulge now and then but one thing that makes me feel proud is cooking a healthy meal that everyone enjoys. If you cook yourself a delicious, healthful meal, you’ll not only feel good about what you’re eating but you’ll be proud of the fact that you made something yourself instead of take-out and it’s tasty!

Take a bath or hot shower

Soaking in a hot bath is an obvious one but even just taking a long hot shower can release tension and give you some alone time to clear your mind and reflect on the good things in your life. Plus you feel clean and cozy afterward.

Check one item off of your to-do list

This is a big one. When I’m feeling the most stressed and overwhelmed, I look at the things I need to do because that’s probably what is creating the stress. Having things hanging over your head is a sure-fire way to cause a great amount of stress. So pick something easy that you’ve been putting off and just do it. You’ll feel a weight lift off of your shoulders and be able to look at the rest of the list with fresh eyes.

These are a few tips that I use when I feel overwhelmed or stressed and they work for me. I hope you find some of them useful and I hope you have a stress free day!

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